It’s My Party

February 9, 2015


Greta turned one a few weeks ago and I am still trying to figure out how that happened so quickly. It seems like she went from baby to toddler almost overnight and as amazing as it is to watch her grow into a little girl I wish I could freeze time and keep her small just a little longer. She is busy exploring the world and starting to show her personality more and more. Currently she is displaying her dislike for peas by throwing them on to the ground, one by one. Just yesterday she loved peas! So it begins.

My mom came up to help celebrate and we made a birthday cake together. Honestly this was probably my second time making a cake from scratch and I was reminded why I don’t make them often. So many rules and steps, I tend to find the baking process tedious rather than relaxing. Four hours later we had a two layer cake covered in sprinkles for the big kids and a tiny Greta sized cake covered with strawberries for the birthday girl.

We had a very small and simple get together of a few close friends as to not overwhelm Greta. She didn’t know what to think of her little cake when we placed it in front of her – she carefully picked all the strawberries off and ate them first! I finally took her hand to show her that she could eat the cake too and then it was game on. She soon dived right in, face first. Classic!






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